Independence Ranch CSD
Audits and Budgets
2021 Audit Report
2020 Audit Report
2019 Audit Report
2018 Audit Report and Financials
2017 Audit Report and Financials
2016 Audit Report and Financials
2015 Audit Report and Financials
2014 Audit Report and Financials
2011 and 2012 Audit Report and Financials
2010 Audit Report and Financials
There are 125 lots at Independence Ranch. The road assessment is $500 for each lot. ($500) x (125 lots) = $62,500 Annual Budget.
This is for 9 miles of roads; asphalt, chip seal, gutters, culverts, and gravel road. Your help in maintaining the District Roads is appreciated. This includes observing the speed limit and all other Motor Vehicle laws for the State of CA, County of SLO. Unlicensed Vehicles (with the exception of Farm vehicles) are not allowed on ANY roads maintained by the CSD.
Thank You